crafts, Uncategorized

DIY Fluffy Slime

Looking for crafts to do with the kids on Easter Day, I found the recipe for slime. It worked good, but I wanted to make the fluffy one. So, I started looking for videos on how to make it, but all of them were so complicated or required a lot of ingredients. 

I decided to try and look for a more easy and affordable way. This is how I came to this easy recipe for fluffy slime.

You will need:

  • 1/2 cup Elmer’s School Glue
  • 1/2 cup Shaving Cream
  • About 1 tablespoon of StaFlo or liquid Starch (I pour it in its same cap and add to the mixture as needed)
  • Food Coloring or acrylic paint (optional)
  • Glitter (optional)
  • Bowl and spoon

Step by Step:

  1. Pour the glue in the bowl, add the shaving cream and mix until well combined.
  2. Add food coloring if using. Quantity varies of the color you want. Mix
  3. Add the StaFlo slowly mixing each time until it stops sticking to the bowl. Take it with your hand and continue mixing.
  4. Remember, the more you play with it in your hand the more is going to come to consistency. 
  5. I also added a little bit of body lotion to help with elasticity, but not necessary.

It’s a fun activity to make with the kids. 

Hope you like it and let me know if you tried it!


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